Project web page: http://math4u.vsb.cz/
Math Exercises for You (2016-2019, 2019-2022, 2022-2025)
Math Exercises for You 1, 2, 3 - výstupem je portál Math4U s aplikacemi STUDENT, UČITEL a TŘÍDA. Studenti si mohou vygenerovat interaktivní test, učitelé vytvořit písemku nebo využít hotové tréninkové hry pro procvičení celé středoškolské matematiky.
Naše škola spolupracuje s VŠB - Technickou univerzitou Ostrava a dalšími středními školami z evropských zemí na projektu Math Exercises For You. Cíle projektu jsou zvýšování matematických kompetencí žáků pomocí vytvořených interaktvních výukových materiálů, pomoc učitelům při výuce vytvořenými zajímavými cvičeními a testy, ale také zvýšení znalosti matematické angličtiny a španělštiny.
Mathematics is one of the pillars of technical and science education. Unfortunately, it is also considered to be one of the main annoyances in education today. This could be also the reason why young people avoid to study STEM disciplines. Attractive and modern online materials for teaching and learning mathematics can improve this situation and increase interest in this beautiful and useful discipline.
The project Math Exercises for You 2 has three main goals. The first one is to increase the mathematical competencies of secondary school students and the pupils in the last years of elementary schools. We intend brighten teaching of mathematics up with interesting and original interactive materials for practising the curriculum. Strengthening mathematical knowledge and skills leads to higher self-confidence not only in mathematics but also in other science disciplines.
The second goal is to improve the quality of the teaching process, to connect the work of the teachers and students more closely. We suppose to improve the efficiency of the work of the teachers when preparing interesting exercises and exam. We provide a framework for obtaining information on the difficult parts of the curriculum and the achievements of the students and the classes.
The third goal of the project is to enable students and teachers to improve mathematical English and Spanish as their foreign language. This goal will be achieved by the fact that all the web applications and the materials will be available in five languages (English, Spanish, Czech, Polish, Slovak) and the student can easily swap between his native language and the world language. This will help to increase the language skills of both students and teachers.
Programme: Erasmus+Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices
Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for school education